The heavier work in storage, surveillance and networks, that is customisation. And just like a well-fitting suit, customisation is often not obvious from the outside. It takes the eye of a professional to understand how subtle and clever the construction really is. Those professionals exist, and they appreciate our work.

The storage market is huge and will continue to grow as long as humans and machines continue to generate data. At the same time, there are threats in the form of cybercrime, user error or faltering systems.
Challenges in strategy and integration we see at many of our clients, and in doing so, we like to share our vision and help think of real solutions.
With over 20 years of experience, we understand as no other partner how fragile an (online) customer relationship can be. So if you call on us for advice, distribution and/or assembly of data storage, IP cameras, multimedia and cloud solutions, you don't do so because of the individual components. Because sometimes you can find those just fine with other distributors as well.
Our customers engage us because they trust us. And trust is earned. That fact underpins our choices, our processes, the information we provide and, above all, our honesty and service.
It makes Real Solutions a partner in every next step. We make critical choices in data storage, networking, surveillance and cloud together. The flawless delivery? We do it. And you can rely on that.

It is up to us to continue to distinguish ourselves with personal service, friendliness and knowledge. To realise international aspirations and to continue to ensure that customers become ambassadors.
We are Real Solutions Haarlem. IT distribution with advice. For every company that relies on the power of the smartest choice.
How do we convert this into socially responsible choices? You can read that here.
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